Gallery - T-oppi OY

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Our participants in structure courses under Erasmus+ programme share photos made in Finland.
"We love Helsinki."
Participating group in the course "Interactive tools for smart education", summer 2019.
Photos from a Bulgarian group, who has participated in the course "Interactive tools for smart education", summer 2020.
A group of school teachers, participating in the course 'Tools for smart education', April, 2022.
Memories from the Erasmus+ structured course 'Constructing Activities in Kindergarten as a Playful Educational Tool' held on 14th-20th of August 2022.
Photos from the course "Interactive tools for smart education" in summer 2023. Learning how to use smartboards and smart desplays.
Photos from the course "Constructing activities in kindergarten as a playful educational tool" in summer 2023. Early childhood education teachers explored the possibilities that Lego DUPLO offers in acquiring knowledge and skills.
T-oppi Oy
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