Augmented Content - T-oppi OY

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Augmented content
European project under Erasmus+ programme, KA 201.
Registration number: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027925
About the project
The project aims to develop the digital competency of teachers and students in creating digital educational resources. Teachers will learn how to create unique content linked to the textbooks: a shortcut to an internet article with additional information about the topic, a recorded voice file, a recorded video, animation, photos, illustrations, or additional text information. The intellectual product of the project will increase the quality of individual learning during distance education.

30 SU “Bratia Miladinovi”, Sofia
Edusoft-BG Ltd, Sofia
Fachberufsschule, Wolfsberg
Epsilon Marketing e.U, Vienna
T-OPPI OY, Espoo
1o Geniko Lykeio Kamaterou, Athens

Namik Karamanci Fen Lisesi, Manavgat

Teacher Training Course C1
The teacher training course C1 'Create digital resources' under the Erasmus+ project 'Augmented content' took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 24th-27th of March 2022.
During the course participants from all partner organizations and schools met face-to-face: School 'Bratya Miladinovi' (Sofia, Bulgaria), School 1o Geniko Lykeio Kamaterou (Athens, Greece), School Namik Karamanci Fen Lisesi (Manavgat, Turkey), organizations Edusoft-BG Ltd (Sofia, Bulgaria), Epsilon Marketing e.U (Vienna, Austria) and T-OPPI OY (Espoo, Finland).
During the four-day training, participants were introduced to using different applications for sound, photo, and video editing, such as Audacity, OpenShot,, and others. They have learned how to add subtitles and create different digital materials.
Teacher Training Course C2
The course was held on the 11th-13th of August in Helsinki, Finland. The goal was to get acquainted with the new augmented content platform, in which teachers and trainers can develop added content to textbooks. During the training, participants from School 'Bratya Miladinovi' (Sofia, Bulgaria), School 1o Geniko Lykeio Kamaterou (Athens, Greece), School Namik Karamanci Fen Lisesi (Manavgat, Turkey), organizations Edusoft-BG Ltd (Sofia, Bulgaria), Epsilon Marketing e.U (Vienna, Austria) and T-OPPI OY (Espoo, Finland) practiced different methods of creating added content – video, links to sites and various electronic exercises to the lessons.
T-oppi Oy
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